Monday, February 29, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Sunday, February 21, 2016
A Cause Worth Dying For: Materialism, Millennials, & the Authentic Mission
You there, yes you, playing the video games, come out of it, and take up your ministry. You on the beach working on your tan, take up your place in service. You surfing the net, browsing your pornography, come out of it and serve the lost. You in the business world, end your service to selfishness and embrace service to the poor.
Where are the young people? Where are the young adults? It seems like every church I walk into I see only a few young adults, if any.
Is sin really that great? Is darkness really so relieving? No. Those exploits are empty. I know, I tried all of them. They go nowhere, and they take more than they give.
Are you one of them? A young adult? Trying to understand your place in the world? Let me ask you a few things.
We can sit around campfires, on cold beaches, or in incense basements talking about the problems of the world. But nothing changes until we do something. I mean really do something. Are we so incapable? Are you so sleepy? Where is your desire for hope? Have you lost your will? Are you drunk on the delights of this world? Have you lost your power to believe in a better world? Can you still smile?
Or do the days just drone on? Is all light out of every interaction? Does everything seem gray? Does everything seem shallow and empty?
I know a lot about pleasure seeking. It doesn't lead anywhere good. Those of it's pursuits can hardly say it delivers. It never goes anywhere good. Does it? Does demented pleasure ever give up an end? Does pleasure ever say 'I've had enough'?
Do you care about anyone? Do you love anyone for their sake? Do you still dream? If so, what do you dream of?
Are you rushed through life? Does it seem like a dreary thing? Are you tired of these dogged escapades? Are you tired of playing the bad guy? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Could you want something better? Could you even want to want it?
Are you overworked? Do you feel poured out for another? On a daily basis?
Do your eyes glean something better? Could you possibly comprehend? Could your heart sense something greater? Might a spirit be working a sacred portent?
Let me ask you something, very simple: Is the Christian God real?
If not, then don't waste another minute of your time. There's the door. If the Christian God is simply a family tradition, a nice story, a cultural myth, or a moral teaching then we might as well toss it all aside. It's nothing.
But, if the answer is yes then there is a desperate state of urgency. If yes, that God is really real, and that he really reveals himself through the ancient writings of the Bible, how should we respond? What do we do? And could this be the great cause of causes? Could it be the truth? Could it be the truth even if we don't like it at first?
There really is no middle ground. God can be real, God can be imaginary. He cannot be somewhat real. I believe God is real. He reveals himself through the Bible. There are so many roads of inquiry to see that God is real, so many that we've ventured upon on this website. If you'd like to begin digging into the reasonable inquiry of God, click here.
For me, upon study, research, reading, science, philosophy, and every manner of inquiry I've learned that the Christian God is real, truly is, and truly is the cause of the universe. Since then, believing fully that God is really real our priority must be his mission.
What is his mission? His mission is the sharing of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, his life, death, and resurrection. His message is the good news of the absolution, the forgiveness of all transgressions, through trust. His message is the welcoming of the people of the Earth, humanity, into his family through the cross of Christ. His message is the gospel, the good news that Jesus restores our connection to God in this broken doomed world. All we have to do is believe in one he sent, Jesus, and then live that mission of love and service. Believe in Christ!
There are millions upon millions of people, in our own communities who don't know Jesus. I'm sad to say that most of them, many of them are millennials like me. (Those born between 1980-2000). These people are lost without a savior, and it shows. What can we do to reach them? And why don't our churches penetrate into those people groups? And if you're one of those people, who brought you here? Why are you reading these words? Could it possibly be, just possibly be, that God is guiding you right now? Could his hand be on your shoulder?
I was so hungry years ago, for something pure, for something real, for something authentic, and I so desperately wanted to know the truth. Tell me the truth! For God sake, tell me the truth! Where is the manual? Why is everything so wrong? What's wrong with this world!?
The answer is simple, God is real, and he has revealed himself in the book... Only the purity and authenticity of His message could reach me. In Christ alone I found true authenticity, true purity, and the truth itself. A way, when I had asked so many times: "Where do we go from here?" Jesus Christ showed himself to be the way. I thought I was looking for a perfect ideology, a perfect equation, it turned out that I came to a person, to Christ. All of that revealed through the book.
The God, the supreme being who created the universe ex nihilo as they say, has chosen to reveal himself through a book. Why? Freedom. He isn't going to force anyone to believe in him. If he made himself known and seen fully, and physically, there would no longer be any choice. God gives us a choice. We encounter this God, the real one, through a book. They call that book the Bible. But Bible just means "book." I love that. There is no grand title. It's not plated in gold. In fact many times the Christian life is like that. No gold, no fancy ceremonies. It's just a relationship with God. A God whose name is "I am who I am." As they say, Yahweh. Elohim. Jehovah. Adonai. Or just "abba" which means "daddy." Daddy in the most intimate terms in fact. And of course Our blessed savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ just means God who saves, the messiah. Messiah means the chosen one. Just like you, the one reading these words, has been chosen to be a brother, a sister of Christ, of myself, and of the family on Earth.
Seems like a lot of evangelicals think reaching millennials means pushing it as a new "experience." Well at best then they come in maybe for a new experience, and then in a few months they move on to something more entertaining. What do you say Mr. millennial? A new experience? There are plenty of tantalizing experiences out there in sex, addiction, and materialism. What's to stop them from finding a new one tomorrow? A new experience? That isn't the key. The key is the truth. People like me, people in their twenties, college kids, they are hungry for the truth. And they aren't getting it at the university. Often times they don't get it at church either.
At the university they're getting a lot of empty garbage like relativism, post-modernism, darwinism, marxism, liberalism, self help psychology, eastern mysticisms, and new age metaphysical self flagellation. Yet the mind recoils against a lot of these things. Why? Because they aren't true. Many of them contain pieces of truth, but young people are hungry for a fundamental meaning. They want something of substance. There is no real substance in any of those ideologies. But if the Christian faith is the truth about everything, and I know it is, then it's exactly what they're looking for.
It was exactly what I needed, but I didn't want it. I came like C.S. Lewis, very hesitantly. But in the end, God helped me to see his eternal reality. It changed everything in my life. It fundamentally changed how I see everything in the world. That is the only Christianity that can transform my generation; my family of millennials needs the real Christianity. Not the fake one, not the watered down one, not the experiential one, not the emergent one, not the gay friendly one, or the universalist one, but the real one.
Show me some boundaries! It's all an open space in post-modernism. And it's so open, selfish, and self-serving that its unliveable. There's just nothing there to help explain existence or provide a cause for living. And those who don't believe in anything, who haven't founded a fortress of barriers, positions, and concrete views, are liable to fall for anything. And they are. Anything easy. Any priceless cause. Any liberal issue that requires no personal sacrifice. Sad to see, sad to see.
Paradoxically the free generation, open to new ideas, and all of that, deserves a cause of discipline, righteousness, hard work, and a cause to die for.
My generation is starving for want of a solid ethic from which to approach life. Post-modernism is like candy, sweets: "Do whatever you want, whatever's true for you is your reality." It seems sweet, but once you've had your fill your stomach aches, and you find yourself wanting for meat, potatoes, vegetables, and the truly nourishing things of life.
The gospel is the nourishment we require. The codes of clear ethics, boundaries, and standards within the Bible are required. They help me to live for something greater than myself. That is what is needed. The cross, the God of love is something I'm willing and able to stand for, and die for. The radical Christian mission is hidden by this body guard of lies, this distorted false church epitomized in the church channel on Cable, ministries set on making money, and churches heart-set on watering down the gospel as a sort of family support venture. We've got a lot of men and women trying to make it clear how important and prominent they are. And the true gospel is neglected. But the radical true gospel of those fighting the good fight in the wilderness, turned aside by society, mocked and ridiculed by the elite, is waiting for cause-lovers to champion. It's not one you hear about a lot. Because the honorable, humble ones aren't out to draw headlines and gather everyone to their "brand" of ministry. Instead they just patiently work and serve, doing beautiful things in hidden areas where few see. That is the work God calls us to. That is the purity of the mission of the Christian gospel that attracts young people.
Give me something hard to do! Give me a challenge! Show me a real cause! Show me how to be a man! Show me what it means to be human!
God gives me all of that and more! Hard is the way, and narrow is the path! Awesome. Discipline, standards, boundaries, show me more of this!
In conclusion, millennials, young people, my friends and family of humanity, we need you! Are you one of the few that can receive this message? Are you one of the few that will come out of all that stupid pointless selfishness, and really serve in a noble, true cause? Is that you? Are you tired of all the selfishness? Are you tired of all the depravity, sexuality, and corruption? Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Then it's you. I hope you'll take up this cause. I hope it's you who will serve. This mission is the real meaning of life. It's a fact.
The true mission may be overshadowed by selfish self interested ministries everywhere we look, but don't be deceived, the pure, true, real mission of the gospel, of the Christian faith, is of love, truth, holiness, humility, and selflessness; out of the limelight, but nestled in the constant light of God. They call that grace. And it's authentic. Authenticity is like a rare wild flower along this journey of life. Everyone has an angle, some product or service, and they want your money, your body, or your ideas to serve their own interests. Jesus Christ wants you, all of you, mind, body, and soul to join him in this mission and to become a permanent part of the family of God. And there is no other. This is the truth. Believe the truth. Come out of the darkness, and into the light.
I know you will, maybe today, or when the time is right. Out of the selfishness, out of the lies, out of the false ideologies, out of the bogus philosophies, and out of the corruption of this world. My brothers and sisters, the young, the misled, the broken, the fallen, the addicted, the lost, the starving, the confused, the empty... come this way! Come the way of the cross. This is a narrow road, a path that describes clearly the truth of this life. It isn't easy, it takes real work, and that's what makes it worth it. It offends some. It troubles others. It disturbs me, convicts me of areas in myself I'd rather not change! But it's the truth. It's real. That's why I love it. It calls me out. It defines existence. It apposes the status quo of wealth, greed, and selfish ambition. It's the meaning of life. Come this way, to the cross. In Jesus name, Amen.
Related Posts:
- A Rational Inquiry of the Bible: Is it reliable? Is it the Word of God?
- Does man need God in Western Civilization: Young People are Hungry for the Truth!
- Real Christianity: Clothing, Buildings, Money, & Extravagance
- The Information Age & the Christian Worldview: Is God Real? Or is he a Delusion?
- Expert Testimony: The Existence of God, the Problem of Evil
- Christianity in the Public Square: The Apologetics & Philosophy Renaissance
- The Paradox of Victory through Surrender: Rise Above
- Expert Testimony: the Demise of Evolution, Complexity in DNA
- Expert Testimony: Intelligent Design, Archaeology
- Christian Activism: Can Christianity survive the new cultural attitudes?
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Life after Death: Law, Eternity, and the Changed Mind
There are two pieces, at least two parts of the human experience that every human will partake of: being born, and dying. That's right. The death rate for humans is 100%. I don't think people like to be reminded of that. It's a shocking thing to consider in fact.
We all like to pretend we're immortal. But the body dies. There are graveyards in every town and community testifying to that fact. Yet I've seen entire lives lived in rejection of that fact. I've seen entire stories of people who hide from that fact in their minds. Until the hospitals descend, and the grimaces of doctors tell the rest. We're surprised by death. Why? Maybe because death isn't normal.
Every human being born is afflicted with a disease. It's a disease so insidious that no one even gives it a second thought. It's accepted. Yet the human body seems when inquired of by medicine, to have an infinite ability to replenish itself. Cells in the body have the potential to reproduce and maintain the body structure forever. Yet for some reason between the ages of 25-30 the stasis of that period begins to descend into deterioration. Lines form on the face. Aches and pains begin to develop. More and more rest is required. Eventually skin wrinkles and hair turns gray, then white, then loose.
Death comes to us all. Many dodge the topic, yet I think we all seem to understand that death is a reality. Yet some starry eyed dreamers might still ask: "What is the cure to death?" Or:
"Where might I drink of the waters of the fountain of youth?"
But most simply ignore the fact, dodge the fact, bury the fact, and eventually when all other options are exhausted... they accept the fact.
Death is coming for all of us. That fact is indisputable. The question is, can man live forever? Is there such a thing as eternal life? The clock is ticking on every life. I think something like 100,000 people die worldwide per day. Is there life after death?
For the atheist the answer is most certainly no. A person does not live on. In fact for the atheist, in billions of years the stars of the universe will eventually burn themselves out and all life in the universe will vanish. And finally the great black nothingness of empty lifeless, light-less space. Entropy is complete. Is that really the ultimate reality? I don't think so.
For the Christian, we believe all people have souls made in the image of God, that live forever. Yet every person is appointed to die physically. Even Jesus Christ, God on Earth had to endure the suffering of physical death. The word of God says "Man is appointed once to die, and then comes the judgement" (Hebrews 9:27).
But the answer for Christians is yes, every person has value and every soul will live forever. The primary question of eternal life is the quality of that life which hinges on a theological concept called "the judgement seat of Christ."
Or as it's phrased in Corinthians: We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10
God the architect of the universe, the stars, the laws of space and time and the human soul will indeed one day bring into judgement every single person who has ever lived. I don't know that such a process is particularly surprising. One of the most fundamental aspects of the human experience is our interaction with conscience. We each have a sense of what is right and wrong. We wrestle with that aspect of ourselves throughout our entire lives. It's not surprising that a good God would indicate and enforce quality moral standards for his people. Imagine how perfect the world would be if everyone lived in moral perfection.
And so we come to the crux of our problem: Our own moral failings face to face with God's perfect standard.
Have you read through the various commands of the Old Testament? There are many, over 300 I believe? Anyway, probably the most popular are the notorious "Ten Commandments." Shall we take a look?
Exodus 20:2-17
- “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
- “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
- “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
- “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
- “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.
- “You shall not murder.
- “You shall not commit adultery.
- “You shall not steal.
- “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
As a Protestant I guess I'm not a huge fan of the ten commandments. But feelings aside there really isn't anything too unreasonable here.
Assuming God is God, don't worship false Gods, golden caves, carved figurines, and worship God only. Since God made the universe and loves us, we ought to love him back and worship him. That takes care of 1 and 2.
3rd commandment, "Don't use my name as a cuss word." I don't know but I think God is being pretty reasonable when he asks us to not use his name as a cuss word. I wouldn't want my name used as a cuss word "Justin Steckbauer!" God wouldn't either. Fair enough.
The 4th command indicates that we should take one day off to relax and honor God. God says rest. I'm already on board with that. Rest is great. I need more of it.
5th says honor your parents. I struggle with that one at times, I don't always get along with my dad. And I feel the need to vent rather negatively regarding his previous conduct, har har. But I shouldn't do that. My parents did raise me, I think they deserve my respect.
Let's see... don't murder. I definitely agree. Imagine a world where no one murdered others, or shot up churches? That would be great. Seven, don't sleep with someone else's husband or wife. I agree with that. Why do people feel the need to cut in on other peoples relationships? I think they have a phrase for that: homewrecker.
Eight, don't steal. I've stolen stuff. Many times in my life. And I try not to do that today. Yep, the world would be much better if people didn't steal. Just think of Wallstreet and the Federal Reserve.
Nine, don't lie about your friends, or even strangers. Don't lie about what they did or didn't do. I've done that. I've blamed things on my sister when I was younger, when it was me. And I felt guilty too. I'm sure I've done that as an adult too. Maybe to cover my poor behavior.
And ten, don't want what others have. Or as they said in the roaring 50s and 60s, "keeping up the joneses." Today it's competing over cell phones, Ipads, hot rods, possessions, lawn care, or even sports teams. God says "stop wanting everything." We've got all we need. Stop desiring what your neighbor has. That seems reasonable.
As you can probably tell, when it comes to the laws of God... I'm guilty. I've broken all ten in one way or another (No I didn't kill anyone, but the word of God says that anyone who hates a brother is guilty of murder.) How about you? How would you stack up in your obedience to the 10 commandments? Click here to take the test: Are You a Good Person?
So how does this work anyway, is God grading on a curve? Can I sneak by with a C+?
For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it. James 2:10 ESV
For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. Romans 3:20 ESV
God has a perfect standard, and I am guilty. That means I'm in serious trouble. On judgment day, standing on my own good deeds, I will not be good enough to live in the presence of God. I'll be found guilty, and eternally disconnected from God. Does that seem too mean and judgmental of God? I don't think so. Look at how terrible our world is today because of sin. Sin is serious. Whenever I've sinned, I've does an offense to God himself. I have to remember he created me, from nothing, he owns me, and all things belong to him. I myself belong to him. It's reasonable to say that I'm accountable, and that a just God must provide consequences for serious crimes against good conduct. I think we've all been guilty of adding to the problems of Earth, instead of improving them. Left on my own standing, I deserve to be disconnected from God and left in a place of isolation. Some call that "hell." Spooky, but in reality, a place of disconnection from God. And I deserve it. When I really think about it thoroughly, it's true... I really do.
But praise God that it doesn't end there. God himself has provided a savior for us, a certain Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago.
Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:17-44 ESV)
In other words: "For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,[a] he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." (Romans 8:3-4 ESV)
All of that to say: Jesus Christ is our ticket to life everlasting. (John 3:16) Jesus Christ is our fountain of youth. (John 4:14) Jesus Christ is our way to eternal life. (John 14:6)
Each of us need to put on Jesus Christ. The instant we do that his perfect life, perfect death, and perfect resurrection pay our debt in full. God welcomes us into full communion with him. It's a wonderful arrangement, considering our transgressions, which we work so hard to hide from.
Death is approaching. It's coming for all of us. It's like a hunter, stalking us through the wilderness. Though we will all experience physical death (the shadow of death) we can have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified. -Galatians 2:16 ESV
We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that he really is who he claimed to be: God in the flesh. And we "repent." I don't really like that word. What it means is to "have a change of mind." We change our mind about what is right and wrong. We decide to abandon our own distorted views, and embrace God's teachings regarding life. We embrace the Christian worldview. We agree to live as Jesus lived. We look to Jesus for how to live.
Christ gave us a new commandment that we are to obey above all the OT
commands. He said the new command is that we love one another. We are
to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34). Love is the
commandment we are under in modern times.
"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." -Romans 13:8
Let all that you do be done in love.1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.1 John 4:11-12 ESV
So assuming we put on Jesus Christ as our "parachute" of sorts for when this world comes crashing down, how can we know that we are remaining in Christ throughout our lives?
Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.1 John 2:6 ESV
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. John 14:15 ESV
This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. 1 John 4:17 ESV
We can know we are abiding in Christ throughout our years on this Earth by living like Jesus did. Jesus helped those in need, loved the unlovable, and stood up for the truth.
This has been a difficult topic. It's always difficult when we're trying to look at ourselves in an unfettered light. The purpose of the laws of God were to show us, to convict us of our need for a savior. I'm not trying to hurt anyone of you with these descriptions. But it may be offensive. The word of God itself says the gospel is an offense to those who are perishing, but it is the very word of life to those who are being saved. To me, it used to be an offense. Now it's the power and truth of God himself saving me.
These are difficult concepts to deal with. The judgement of God, the wrath of God, the idea of eternal disconnection from God. I hope I haven't scared anyone off with these ideas. But they are the facts. Yet we must believe and understand that these stark realities can, yes, can be reconciled with the incredible love and grace of God. He loves us deeply. He loves us with a full heart. That's why he offered this simple agreement of believing in Jesus Christ and having a change of mind about life. And then we are reborn as his own children. That is beautiful. He wants all to be saved.
But a loving, graceful, merciful Father wouldn't be a good dad if he didn't also act justly, and punish those who are doing wrong. When a child does something wicked, the dad scolds the child, and the child has a change of mind, and the dad lovingly welcomes the child into closeness with the Father once more. It is similar when we sin against God, and then repent and believe in Jesus Christ.
I can't say I fully understand all of it. In fact if I was making up my own god I would do it differently. But that fact doesn't change the reality of my situation. Just because I don't want to believe in a God who punishes evil doesn't mean that God suddenly disappears. The facts on the ground are simple, this is the situation, and the arrangement for salvation is simple: have a change of mind, embrace the Christian worldview, and put on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, your righteousness forever.
I'm sure we will understand better in the next life, but in this one our field of view is limited, and these vast concepts escape our ability to fully comprehend. We want a God of unconditional love, yet we want justice for those who do evil. We want Hitler, Stalin and Bin Laden punished for their sins, but we want unconditional love despite our own. We obviously can't see the issues clearly enough, personal bias, whatever it is, better to trust God, and his plan. His arrangement for the salvation of his people is simple: Faith in Jesus Christ, and changing our lives in response to His.
Consider these things carefully if you haven't yet made that commitment. If you have made that commitment, are you living it? Are you really living like Jesus Christ? Have you had a change of mind? Consider these issues carefully. Pray if you are confused, and seek answers in his Holy word. You won't be disappointed. God is good, and God is love. In the end analysis, though I don't fully understand these concepts of judgment and sin, I trust my God and his plan, that he is doing the right thing. I really do. You should too. He made us from nothing. He knows what hes doing. Maybe I need to stop judging God, and let him do his job, running the universe, while I do mine, serving those in need.
Death is something we all face. Death is terrifying when we think about it. Physical death is a stark reality for planet Earth. Lots of people are dead and lots of people are dying. Do we have souls? Yes we do. We're all going to live forever. The question is, when the jury is summoned, the court room laid forth before the throne of God, what shall the prosecutor say? Will he have a long list of your crimes? Or will Jesus Christ enter the court room, remove that list of crimes, and declare you innocent before God? Will you then receive riches in heaven for your many good deeds? And eternal life, transfixed with joy, with the billions before you whom have chosen the Son? I pray so.
I hope you will humble yourself, and accept such a simple and profound arrangement. I find it to be the state of the absolute truth of this moral universe we engage upon. It is the very soul stuff of existence itself. We are moral beings, found immoral, yet for those who choose it, made perfect in Jesus Christ the one who defeated death on the cross 2,000 years ago.
My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.
-1 John 2:1-6 (ESV)
Related Posts:
- Wisdom from Above: Living in Light of the Victory of Jesus Christ
- The Mindset of Christ: Teach Me How to Live, Lord
- A Rational Inquiry of the Bible: Is it reliable? Is it the word of God?
- You Oh Lord are my Strength: The Manifold Provision of God
- Love Others: The Second Great Command
- What is the Gospel?
- Does man need God in Western Civilization: Young People are Hungry for the Truth
- Real Christianity: Clothing, Buildings, Money, & Extravagance
- The Stairway to Heaven
- Salvation of the Soul: Is it Conditionally Secure or Eternally Secure?
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Wisdom from Above: Living in Light of the Victory of Jesus Christ
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:15-17 ESV
Ah wisdom, who can have it? Who can live wisely in such a strange corner of the universe? Who can live on this place they call Earth? More so, who can live rightly?
Perspective I think, it's all about perspective. We arm ourselves with truth, we gird ourselves with it. We see rightly, and we learn to live rightly. Yet blindness is common in this life. People seem to hide from truth. They set up systems to subvert it. They develop industries to plod around it. Yet it's God's wisdom, the wisdom we ought to have that allows us to see through the ploys of this world. Or as it says in the good word:
"Make the best use of your time, for the days are evil." They are indeed. Truly they are.
When one reads in the news of the body parts of exterminated fetuses being sold for profit by a government funded organization like Planned Parenthood... You start to wonder, has everyone gone crazy? What is it our government is sanctioning and encouraging?
On a day to day basis our society can seem, on the surface, fairly clean cut and decent. At least that's how it seemed to me when I was growing up. Obviously there were issues, but it seemed like society was basically good, and people were basically getting along fairly well. As I got older that facade seemed to peel away. Just beneath the surface it was rotting away. With the internet and the spread of information, it's not hard to learn about how various sectors of society and government are corrupt, broken, and charging further in those directions.
The genocide of the unborn is one of the more disturbing aspects of that systemic corruption. Another aspect would be the sex slave industry, or what has come to be known as "human trafficking." Military spending in the United States. The prison population problem in the USA. The depravity of Hollywood and the music industries. Cable television. The hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into Congress from special interest groups. Need I continue?
The point being, wisdom is needed. Before I came to know Jesus Christ in 2012 I saw some of these problems. I could see some of them, not all. It was like I was looking through a glass darkly. I couldn't see clearly.
Upon receiving Christ as savior, my vision began to clear. I was reborn into a new family. I had become a foreigner in the world, and often foreigners can see the truth more readily than natives. Yet even for the regenerate, born again believer, seeing the truth can be tough. Wisdom is hard to gain.
The Holy Spirit makes so much of this wisdom business possible. And we live in light of the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross two thousand years ago. We live in light of that tremendous victory over the forces of corruption in the heavenly places. So much strength flows to the believer from that victory. It means everything.
Through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, the new eyes, we can see there are troubles in this world, and also victories for good in this world. At times we do suffer trials, difficult circumstances, losses, and internal sorrows, yet we do so in light of eternity. We must always caution ourselves to remember that physical death is not the end. The social and political activists of this world tend toward despair because they see no way out, and death as the final. But death is not the end for us, it is only the shadow of death which we pass through.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 ESV
The wisdom from above begins with a healthy fear of God. Yes indeed, a reverence for the Creator and a desire to shun evil. Many don't like that, including myself. FEAR? WE WANT LOVE! LOVE IS THE ANSWER! Love is certainly very important. But so is reverent fear. Not a terror, but a reverent foreboding... A trembling respect for the majesty of an infinite God. Fear isn't always a bad thing. Fear motivates us. Fear warns us of boundary lines, and dangerous places where we should not go. Fear is a good thing, when kept within it's boundaries. A reverent fear for God keeps us humble, and reminds us of our own limitations.
I've often said that I don't like reading the Bible sometimes. Why? Because it upsets me. It pisses me off. I get angry and up in arms about what its saying to me. I think that's a good thing!
I just smile. I couldn't believe in a book that I open and agree with every single sentence. Because I'm a flawed human, and I make mistakes. I have growing to do, a lot of it, I can see that. The Bible is the eternal word of God, and I'm reminded of that when it offends me. It means I'm learning and growing, and it's teaching me something that's hitting a little too close to home.
Doing wrong is like a joke to a fool, but wisdom is pleasure to a man of understanding. Proverbs 10:23 ESV
Have you ever had a friend who got into trouble, did something stupid, and it was a joke to them? I think we all know someone like that. They laugh callously as things get worse and worse. They jeer at anything with moral hintings. At times I'm sure I've been that guy. The idiot with a beer in his hand jeering and laughing while doing something bad. Or making fun of someone. Or hurting someone.
But wisdom is pleasure to a man of understanding. We should all try to be that person who enjoys gaining wisdom. The search for wisdom and truth is a powerful and exciting one. Doing evil is boring. It's repetitious and stupid.
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15 ESV
The truth is something I lust after with a passion in this life. I'm so tired of hearing opinions and how people "feel." Instead I want to know the truth about all these issues. The truth is so vital. It guides us in all things. Without it we are blind fools stumbling about in the dark chasing our wicked hearts to ever terrible ends. Often so cluelessly, jaunting into dark nests of addiction and despair. I did in my past. Truly I did. Thank you Jesus for saving me from the chains I found in the nest they call drug addiction.
"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32 ESV
In contrast is the journey of faith, wisdom, and truth. When we know the truth we are wise. We follow the Spirit of God into ever brightening valleys of growth, love, goodness, and service to others all the way to our final home in the eternal dwelling of God himself.
Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed.
Ecclesiastes 8:1 ESV
I was a hard nosed prick in the past. I knew nothing, but thought I knew everything. My friends and I would smoke pot and laugh at everything. Some of the laughing was good, other times we'd make a mockery of sex, drugs, culture, society, government, and just hold up every aspect of life to mockery and ridicule. No one could teach us anything, and we felt morally superior to society. We could jeer and smoke drugs and feel superior; righteously rebellious. Yet what were we doing, but buying drugs, smoking them, talking a lot of talk, and then doing it again the next day? We never tried to change anything, we just complained, laughed, and got high. Pretty dumb... let's just be real about it.
Today things are very different in my life. I work for an organization called the Salvation Army. Soon I'll be moving from central Wisconsin to Escanaba, Michigan to begin an internship with the Salvation Army. I'll be serving the needy. To the glory of God. I'll have the chance to fulfill my internal designs for mercy, love, and justice instead of just ranting about them.
I'll definitely continue writing and sharing the truth on this blog. But I'm not just writing my friends. I'm also doing. That's so important that we also do. When considering those endless drug talks of my past, I'm so clearly reminded to remember to do the Christian life. And the Christian life is love and service, in practice. I don't think I would have any right to write a word unless I was also living it. So I encourage you also to live the life of faith.
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might Ephesians 1:16-19 ESV
This is what one calls the beauty of the scriptures. Ephesians chapter one is so wonderful. The words are so filled with the Spirit, so intensely meaningful. We find in this formula an excellent mindset for wisdom.
First of all we are reminded to live in gratitude. The secret to joy and happiness in life is living an attitude of gratitude.
Still in the opening we are reminded to pray endlessly. And to pray for others. Prayer is huge. We find hidden treasures in prayer, on a daily basis.
In Jesus Christ himself, our savior, who is always with us and always accessible, we find that in the study of his life and in the knowledge of his teachings we have what Paul calls a Spirit of Wisdom and of Revelation.
He writes of "having our hearts enlightened." I think that's absolutely true. As we study Jesus Christ, grow in his Spirit, and live the Christian life, our hearts are transformed. What was once a wicked heart defaulting to selfishness and personal needs is now a soft heart, gentle, kind, full of love, brave, courageous, and powerful. And tending toward serving and thinking of others before self. Imagine that hm? What a change, what a change indeed!
We are told that we are called to hope in Jesus Christ in Ephesians chapter one. What do we hope in? We hope in the fulfillment of the teachings of Jesus Christ. We hope in his return. We hope in his act of righting this broken world, and restoring it to perfection in a divine mystery called glory. Glory. Who can know glory?
This scripture speaks of our inheritance. What is our inheritance? When we live in wisdom, serving others, loving others, and growing in Christ, we are gathering up a store house of heavenly treasure. What does that mean? It is certainly a mystery. But I think in part it means gathering wealth in heaven, glory in the next life, honor and praise in the next life, perhaps somewhat like accolades that flow back to the throne of God as witnesses to the goodness of God. What does that look like it practice? Perhaps something as simple as a man you cared for once, maybe 10 years ago, walking up to you in the kingdom of God, thanking you with tears in his eyes, and hugging you intently. And so much more I'm sure. So much more.
And finally Paul writes in Ephesians 1 of the power of God toward his people, us, who believe, and in connection to that, the acts of God in the world at large. The work of Jesus Christ in our lives motivates us to a life of wisdom. We get to see the work of God. We get to smile when he smiles in our direction. We receive the joy of Jesus Christ when we function within his will. Those are the works of God, as his plan moves forward in the world.
While I was packing for my move to Escanaba I felt a peace come over me. I didn't know quite how to describe the feeling. I felt it again this last weekend when I was in East Troy at a Salvation Army retreat. It wasn't a jubilant joyous feeling. But it was certainly a feeling of joy, of quiet, calm, steady joy. I felt it again today, taking a walk with my girlfriend, talking about the move. And I finally understood what C.S. Lewis meant by "surprised by joy." The joy of God fills the heart of the wise who remains in the willful plan of God, those being his acts of power and greatness in a broken world. All through Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
In connection to that mindset is the Holy Spirit gift of sharing that faith, that wisdom with the world, and sharing the gospel. As it is written:
For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. Luke 21:15 ESV
In conclusion, the wise person living in the light of the victory of Jesus Christ has a sense of reverent fear for his or her heavenly Father. The wise individual lives an attitude of gratitude and prayerfully approaches every situation, praying constantly for everyone in all circumstances. The wise individual focuses on Jesus Christ, studies his life in the scriptures, and emulates that life in the Spirit of God. In so living the Christian life the wise person experiences a transformation of their heart, an "enlightenment of the heart." They hope and faithfully await the return of Jesus Christ and the coming of the renewing of the world. They also store up treasure in heaven through the good works of the kingdom of God, through love and service. Finally the wise man (or woman) remains in the will of God, in his designs, seeking to follow God's path, not his own (even when it leads to Upper Michigan). And through so doing the wise man gets to witness the transformative acts of God, acts of incredible greatness as he shares in the unspeakable joy of Jesus Christ. And through all of this, the wise individual shares their journey with others, encourages others in the faith, and shares the gospel with any and all who will listen. God is just that good. He gives us the formula to live the wisdom from above. In light of the victory of Jesus Christ, we indeed can live wisely. Amen.
14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family[c] in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
-Ephesians 3:14-21 (ESV)
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