Argument: Moral

The Moral Argument

Remember, for the atheist, humans are just accidents of nature – highly evolved animals. But animals have no moral obligations to one another. When a cat kills a mouse, it hasn’t done anything morally wrong. The cat’s just being a cat. If God doesn’t exist then we should view human behavior in the same way. No action should be considered morally right or wrong.
But the problem is – good and bad, right and wrong do exist! Just as our sense experience convinces us that the physical world is objectively real, our moral experience convinces us that moral values are objectively real. Every time you say, “Hey, that’s not fair! That’s wrong! That’s an injustice!” you affirm your belief in the existence of objective morals.
We’re well aware that child abuse, racial discrimination, and terrorism are wrong . . . for everybody . . . always. Is this just a personal preference or opinion? No.

“The man who says that it is morally acceptable to rape little children is just as mistaken as the man who says 2+2=5.” (Michael Ruse, Agnostic)[2]
What all this amounts to, then, is a moral argument for the existence of God:

1. If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist.
2. But objective moral values and duties do exist.
3. Therefore, God exists.

Atheism fails to provide a foundation for the moral reality every one of us experiences every day. In fact, the existence of objective morality points us directly to the existence of God.

Quoted from

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