Sunday, April 24, 2016

Spheres of Truth in the World: the Bible, Science, & Politics

As a young man in a strange world I often wonder about life: Why am I here?  What is this society?  What does human history mean?  What is the purpose of government? How does culture change?  What philosophies undergird life?  

Let's look at five key areas of truth in the world.  No one ever taught me this stuff.  I was never taught how various disciplines fit together.  I had to teach myself through a lot of reading.  I encourage the same for all of you; knowledge is power.

For young people like me, you've got to search out the truth, it will not be handed to you.  In fact, it will be actively hidden from plain sight.  

Let's look at interdisciplinary truth as it fits into a Christian worldview.  And when I say Christian worldview really what I'm saying is the truth about what life really is.  It's the eyeglasses that bring a blurry world into focus.  We can see clearly only through it.  But it's not projecting an illusion, it's bringing the world into focus.

1. Bible - The most important aspect in interrupting the delusion of materialism is found within the pages of the Bible.  Here we find our manual to life.  Many suggest: If only life came with a manual.  The truth is shockingly clear: Life does come with a manual.  It's found in the Bible.  And really all "Bible" means is book.  So in essence, the manual for life is "The Book."  A description of reality defined by a God who identifies his name as "I am."  A God who created the first man Adam, which means "Man."  And the first woman, Eve, which means "woman."  Fascinating isn't it?  The titles provided are the categories themselves, Bible means book.  God means "I am" or "I am who I am."  The heavens mean the universe.  On and on it goes, a base definition of the existence of reality.  Do you know what Jesus Christ means?  God our savior.  Immanuel?  God with us.  

Within the Bible we find the description of reality as it really is.  Every situation is described perfectly, the state of the universe, the state of the Earth, the state inside your heart and mine, all perfectly described as it actually is, instead of how we would prefer it to be.  What a tough, tough "the book" to read though.  No wonder so many toss it aside!  Dare I say, that it tells me exactly who I am, without any filters or white lies!  In fact it does just that.  And it isn't pretty.  The guide book is clear.  The truth is tough.  But ultimately the truth is what matters the most, find it in 'the book' about 'I am.'

2. Science - Science describes the universe around us.  Despite what you may have heard, the greatest scientists have always been believers in God.  Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and John Kelvin just to name a few of the fathers of modern scientific disciplines.  One might come upon the mistaken conclusion that science argues against religious faith.  And one would be wrong in that assertion.  But there are many in that field who so desire to erase God from western civilization.  We must not let them.  

There are two areas that I've found particularly intriguing, one is the study of the universe and it's beginning as basis for the necessity of a timeless omnipotent eternal being.  There are many, many great books and video presentations on such topics.  I suppose it all depends on how you like to learn.  I myself prefer listening to audio or watching video of speakers.  I've found audiobooks and Youtube to be a real blessing for such endeavors.  But if you love reading a good book, well, shouldn't we all be so lucky?  My goodness I could list off so many good books and speakers, but I'll just give a few of the best: Francis Collins, watch him speak, or read his book "The Language of God."  Search for him on Youtube.  Second, of course a personal favorite of mine Ravi Zacharias. And thirdly, the remarkable Dr. William Lane Craig.  The last two were roommates in college, imagine that?  I wonder what they talked about!

Secondly, the study of the cell.  Scientists look into human cells, anatomy, physiology and they see harmonious complexity which points to... God.  And I'll recommend a few more brilliant minds.  Most notably we have Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute.  Search for him on Youtube or purchase one of several of his books: Signature in the Cell or Darwin's Doubt.  Secondly I'll recommend Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis.  Thirdly, I'd recommend the great minds over at the Institute for Creation Research, most notably John D. Morris. 

3. Politics - "We are told as followers of the savior, that we must check our faith at the door (into politics). Do you know why they are telling us this? Because the only people who will defend the traditions that America is based on are people who believe in God. Without those people our system must fail. They mean to keep the army of freedom off the battlefield, by telling us we don't have the right to show up. We not only have the right before God, we have the obligation." -Alan Keyes, Progress and Peril.

Government and politics are obviously extremely important.  The reason we have the freedom to share the gospel is because Christians were good stewards of their nation; even and especially at it's founding.  

Christianity has changed the world, especially in the area of government.  But you will never, ever hear this truth in schools, universities or in the public square.  You will never hear about it on television or in any popular media.  When you really research it, my goodness is it astounding!  Christianity preserved human history during the dark ages.  Christianity transformed the ancient Roman empire.  Christianity blunted the blades of barbarian tribes.  Christianity established the first orphanages and hospitals.  Christianity was a bulwark against the Muslim invasion of Europe.  Christianity was the foundation of the greatest nation on Earth, the United States of America.  Christianity today is streaking through Africa, changing the entire continent.  Christianity today is flourishing in the hearts of the underground churches of China, inspiring the hearts of once oppressed peoples.  Peoples now set free in heart and mind, in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Christianity has done more to invigorate and transform humanity than all the exhortations of Greek philosophers, grand designs of Freemason sages, and systematic designs of benevolent conquerors combined. 

Today Christians in the United States are under prolonged, constant assault.  The situation is quite bleak.  Amazingly the forces that Reagan crushed during the Cold War, managed to survive in ideology, quietly sweep into academia, and seed themselves throughout our culture.  Today they are finishing off a systematic toppling of every sector of our once prosperous nation. They've toppled morality, they've toppled the family, they've toppled free markets, they've toppled the Constitution, religious liberty, and now they are consolidating their victories.  This is the secret history of western civilization state-side.  You will never hear this story in the popular media, because the popular media has largely been seeded by these progressive socialists. But believe me when I say, you've been led astray.  We can all tell something is wrong.  Very wrong!  I couldn't quite place it for so long.  But eventually I discovered the truth.  And it isn't pretty.

This is a great topic to get educated on.  I'll recommend some books and speakers to discover.  Alan Keyes is great, for one.  The Truth Project dvd set is probably your best systematic source to learn the most.  It will wow you.  Another excellent dvd series is "How Should We Then Live?" by Dr. Francis Schaeffer.  I would also recommend a documentary called "Agenda: Grinding America Down."  Some great speakers that have captured my attention recently are these people, definitely Youtube them: Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, Ben Carson, Dinesh D'Souza, Paul Joseph Watson, Dennis Prager, and Alan Sears.

Related Posts:
  1. Christianity in the Public Square 
  2. Expert Testimony: the Demise of Evolution, Complexity in DNA
  3. Expert Testimony: Intelligent Design, Archaeology, and Historicity
  4. The Great American Culture War: Religious Liberty, Gay Rights, Naturalism and the Christian Faith
  5. What is the matrix?
  6. Logic, History, Statistics, & Astronomy: Interdisciplinary approaches to the Truth Claims of Christianity
  7. Does man need God in Western Civilization 
  8. Real Christianity: Clothing, Buildings, Money, & Extravagance
  9. Seven Objections to the Bible and Seven Reasonable Responses
  10. 10 Answers to Common Questions Raised by Skeptics  

Authoritarianism toward Christians in the name of "Gay Rights"

On the national stage and in many smaller communities we've come upon a difficult debate.  This debate is the clash between LGBT rights and Religious Freedom.  This clash has triggered a philosophical conflict, what many view as discrimination vs. the 1st amendment right to free speech.  

Gay marriage has been forceably legalized by the Supreme Court, overriding the existing laws of all fifty state. This is a case of judicial activism, and sadly with the loss of Chief Justice Scalia, the highest court in the land is in jeopardy. Those in the LGBT community cheered the gay marriage ruling, they cheered "love wins."  What did Christians have to fear? After all, leftists had long promised that nothing terrible would happen once gay marriage was legalized. But just as soon as that victory was won, the attacks began mounting on those of religious persuasion. 

The attacks include fining Christian bakeries, shutting down Christian bed in breakfasts, media hit jobs on religious families, jailing Kim Davis for conscientious objection,viciously attacking Indiana religious liberty laws, big businesses boycotting entire states like North Carolina and Mississippi, idiot musicians and hollywood types pulling their business from states standing for basic liberties, and LGBT activists bullying legislators in Georgia into submission to their agenda.

The chief question is this: Should Christian business owners be required to participate in gay marriage wedding ceremonies? Should mom and pop baking shops and bed and breakfast inns be forceably fined, sued, and shut down if they refuse to participate in ceremonies they consider contrary to their faith? 

Many of us will recall the bakery in Oregon that was fined $120,000 for refusing a gay couple's wedding request. More recently a bed and breakfast in Illinois was fined $80,000 for refusing to host a gay marriage wedding.  There are dozens of other examples in recent months.

The mainstream media has decried these religious business owners as "bigots" "homophobes" and "backwards fundamentalists." They constantly call it discrimination in the press, and mockingly place "religious liberty" in quotations, as if such a thing were a myth. Well, the first amendment to the Constitution isn't a myth. It's law. 

Now, should a Christian working at a gas station be allowed to refuse to sell a homosexual person gas? Of course not. Should a Christian clothing store refuse to sell clothes to LGBT activists? Of course not. Should a Christian taco stand refuse to sell tacos to a homosexual couple? No! But, should Christian business owners be forced to participate in a gay marriage ceremony through baking a cake, doing the photography, or hosting it on their property? Should a church be forced to host a gay marriage ceremony or be charged with a crime?

No, I don't believe so. 

We have freedom of religion in this country. In addition, we have the freedom to practice our faith in all areas of public life, as long as it doesn't physically harm anyone. There are no laws to prevent people from being offended. Religious liberty is a cherished right of America. We are suppose to be free here in this country. We are not like Europe or Canada where equality of action and equality of thought are forced on the population.

We have the right in this country of conscientious objection. If an activity goes against our conscience and/or our religious faith, then we should not be forced to partake of it. But there are many on the extreme left that would prefer to force Christians to participate in these ceremonies or be fined and/or shut down entirely. Many on the extreme left would have pastors forced to officiate homosexual weddings or lose their jobs. Many would force Christians churches to hire LGBT persons even if it goes against their core principles.  If they refused, they'd be charged with a hate crime, fined, and shut down.  Is that freedom? Is that really what our country is about? Forcing Christians into submission? I don't think so. 

The American people have shown more and more tolerance toward the LGBT community. That's fine. Tolerance is OK. But this sort of authoritarianism toward Christians who simply don't want to participate in weddings that they consider immoral is not OK. And frankly its becoming kind of scary. 

Now they're talking about enforcing gender identity views in public schools.  Would you want your child taught that he or she can pick their own gender? They're also now trying to allow boys to use girls bathrooms and locker rooms based on what gender they claim to be.  Does that sound like a good idea?  Frankly, these possibilities are child abuse plain and simple.  Encouraging mental illness doesn't help anyone. 

This has gone too far. The average people of this country can see that.  I believe the American people will wake up to this war on sanity, and put a stop to it. Let's make sure we do the same in our communities.  We must hate no one.  We must love and care for those who are confused about gender issues.  We must help those who feel attracted to their same sex.  We must show love, and offer assistance.  But we must also stand in the public arena to make certain that our values are being taught.  And that the laws reflect American values. 

Most importantly: Remember our country is one of liberty, not enforced equality.  We are free in the United States.  We must reject the notion of hate speech laws, and reject censorship and attacks on people of religious faith.  We today have the right to disagree.  We have the right to say what we think.  Let's make sure that never changes.

 Related Posts:
  1. A Three-Fold Battle Plan to Redeem Western Civilization
  2. An Appeal to Heaven: The Movement
  3. The Supreme Court, Same Sex Marriage, Religious Liberty
  4. Thoughts on Public Schooling: Should Christians homeschool their Children?
  5. All those who Wander are not Lost: A Study in Nothingness
  6. Kim Davis is only the Beginning: Prepare your Ministry for Persecution
  7. A Cause Worth Dying For: Materialism, Millennials, & the Authentic Mission
  8. What is the Truth about Abortion? Fact, Fiction, Christianity & Humanism
  9. Faith in the 21st Century: The Seven Key aspects of Faith
  10. Christian Activism: Can Christianity survive the new cultural attitudes?